last month, wan n i went for a trip to medan, indonesia. we met this family of three people who also went for the same trip, a big sister, a younger sister and the younger sister's daughter..they came from Seremban. The big sister was a nurse who had just retired a few days before the trip. She last worked at Klinik Kesihatan Seremban, next to mahkamah seremban where wan is working (currently).
the family was so comfortable hanging out with us (we wanted to just be alone, but they were where we were all the time!) after the younger sister knew that both of us are working in a legal field. why? her husband is also a lawyer/legal adviser somewhere in Selangor. So she felt that we can speak the same language. we were fine with them but i can't deny the fact that i was quite annoyed with the big sister, yup the nurse.. as soon as she learnt that i was pregnant, she started to nag..
"oh, have u consult your doctor before coming to this trip? taking into consideration that u are still at the early stage of pregnancy"
"you should not have boarded a plane, a plane ride would damage ur unborn child's hearing, he or she will have an impaired hearing!"
"you should not eat too much durian"
"you should not sit at the back seat of the bus especially on this bumpy road"
"you can't eat pineapple"
and she went on and on and on! argghhhh!!
everything that she nagged about bugged me but one thing worries me so much is the fact about plane ride..since i was in Indonesia, my blackberry can't access the i was so anxious to google everything about plane ride during early stage of pregnancy.." i was so worried that that spoilt my honeymoon mood. she (the nurse) was telling me that when i still have to take a plane ride home..did she expect me to take a boat to malaysia because of what she said (which is not certainly true??)??
so, as soon as i arrived home, as soon as i got the internet connection, i began googling..and what i found was rather comforting. it is safe to travel by air. There are some potential problems but these problems were more related to the length of time in the air, the route flown, and other flight phenomena.
if u are still at your first trimester, there are always risk of miscarriages..but usually that happened to those pregnancy that already faced certain problematic conditions,.if ur pregnancy is normal, the thing that u should concern about is the morning-sickness-kind-of-feeling that will be more excruciating when u r on a plane..
travelling by plane on your final few weeks expecially after your 36th weeks is not advisable and not permitted by many airplane companies for some risks that u can google on your own..
see? u can travel on a plane while u r pregnant! *fuhh* n my flight was only a 1 hour flight..!!! duh
and the thing she (the nurse) warned me about the "hearing impaired" is certainly not true!.. commercial flights nowadays have the technology that can equalize the pressure within the plane cabin and the pressure back on the, no issue of hearing impaired on an unborn baby!! she scared me good..and it was unneccessary!!.. i hope i will never have to see her ever again!
bikin stress!